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noura 12/14/2014 Washington, Usa Age: 18 to 24 can i iron this tutu to make it flat
hello when i wear my tutu it comes up i tried to put it under my bed for two days but this didn't work what can i doo??
We do not recommend using a hot iron on this, or any, tutu. The tulle will melt once heat is applied and the garment will be ruined. We recommend rolling the tutu back the opposite direction and securing it with large rubber bands for at least 48 hours. - DDS Customer Service (12/15/2014)
I put mine flat on the floor, a flat box and a heavy book on top. In a couple of hours it was flat. You can sew in a hoop as well or even bind layers together. Make sure you store it flat or vertically in a tutu bag. - Micah (01/01/2015)
You CAN use an iron. Put it on it's lowest steam setting. Check my review for more instructions. - Seamstress (03/08/2016)
Chloe 01/03/2014 Ohio Age: 17 or under Does this tutu have the look of a flower?
Most of the reviews for this product are pretty good and satisfied. But there are a few that say it looks like a flower and was not aesthetically pleasing. Is that really common in the tutus? is there an easy way to fix it?
I am not sure what other customers mean by "flower" but I do know that we receive a lot of feedback that this tutu does not lay correctly and tends to pop up. I do know, however, that this is one of our bestselling tutus. Please contact Customer Service if you would like assistance placing an order or finding a similar tutu. - DDS Customer Service (01/06/2014)
Chloe 01/03/2014 Ohio Age: 17 or under Does it come in a tutu bag?
I saw that the other tutu on this website came in a clear tutu bag and didn't know how this one was going to arrive. If I decide top buy this tutu should I also purchase a tutu bag? (this is my first time buying a tutu)
This tutu does not come with a tutu bag. One can be purchased separately. - DDS Customer Service (01/06/2014)
This tutu does not come in a tutu bag. If you need a tutu bag you should purchase one separately. - Karena (09/11/2014)
It does not come with a tutu bag. If you intend to carry the tutu around a lot I would recommend getting a bag. - Helenm22 (10/28/2014)
This does not come with a tutu bag. - Seamstress (03/08/2016)
I just received this tutu in a size large. It is a little snug. Does anyone know whether it will stretch overtime? Unlike the natalie tutu, the Sansha one just pulls on and has no back enclosures. That could be one reason it is somewhat tight. Alternatively, maybe I should exchange it for the XL. Thanks in advance for any guidance!
It may stretch a little over time, but if you feel you need a larger size I would exchange the item. - DDS Customer Service (10/15/2013)
Yes it will stretch out. I'm about 5' 3" and weigh 100 pounds and I got an extra small. It was a little snug at first but now it fits perfectly. - Tbtmaddie (10/28/2013)
Clarabella 08/13/2013 Boston, Ma, Usa Age: 17 or under Circumference?
What is the circumference of this tutu?
We do not have the circumference measurement for this tutu. The length of the tutu is as follows:
Small - 12 inches
Medium - 13 inches
Large - 14 inches
Extra Large - 15 inches
When shipped, these tutus are packaged tightly in a bundle vs. flat in a larger box. - DDS Customer Service (08/14/2013)
LOL, I don't math, however, this is about a 12" tutu (12 " from body) - Seamstress (03/08/2016)
DancerLover 09/24/2012 Va Age: 17 or under How to flatten?
I know this tut is supposed to go up a little bit, but mine looks really high, I was wondering if anyone had any techniques for flattening it. I tried stacking books on it for a couple nights.
You may want to try putting it between the mattress of a bed for a day or two, putting it top side facing down when you do this. You may also try hanging in a steam filled bathroom for a short time. - DDS Customer Service (09/25/2012)
put it under the mattress I hope it can help - Saluki (05/14/2013)
When you are wearing it just push down on it and it will flatten nicely. I hope this helps. - Balletdiva (01/30/2014)
To help a tutu in dropping, you can hang it right side up for a few days. the weight of it will pull it down. To keep it lifted and full, you would hang it upside down on the hanger. Doing this in a steam room or while steaming is best for optimum effect.
If you have any questions, please contact Customer Support for further assistance. - DDS Customer Service (06/01/2015)